Eagle Scout Merit Badge Clinc: Environmental Science

12/01/2018 10:00 AM - 03:30 PM ET


Come out and earn your Environmental Science Merit Badge from our Scouting Educator, Linda Reed! One scout leader per 5 scouts is required; $45 per scout.


  • Scouts must purchase a copy of the Environmental Science Merit Bage Phamphlet to use as a reference for pre-requisites and during the clinic. All background information is in the pamphlet.
  • Mandatory pre-requisites deadline is 9PM on Tuesday, Nov. 27th. Please turn in all pre-requisites to Linda (scouting@bhnp.org.)
    • Pre-requisites cannot be hand-written. Responses must be in complete sentences, paragraph form, and full of relevent information. Do not copy & paste responses.
    • Print a copy of the merit badge workbook to keep organized.
    • Do not use the workbook to complete pre-requisites. Please use a separate form.
    • All requirements and the workbook can be found on scouting.org.
  • Pre-requisites will not be accepted the day of the Clinic. Final date to email or deliver pre-requisites is Tuesday, November 27. 


Payment Details:

Deadline for registration and payment is 9:00 pm Wednesday, November 14th. If registration is closed but your Scout believes that he can complete the pre-requisites, please contact Linda (scouting@bhnp.org.)

*Remember, if payment is deferred or does not complete processing, you are not on the event registration roster. You will receive a confirmation email when payment is successful.


Questions? Contact Linda Reed at scouting@bhnp.org.